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Kurzweil, P. (1990). Modellanalyse leicht gemacht.
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Pohl, M. (1990). Grafik von Format zu Format – Teil 3 – TIFF.
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Eriksdotter, H. (1990). Von Format zu Format – Teil 4 – PCX, GIF.
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Männchen, C., & Schramm, K. (1990). Die C-Werkstatt – Zeigerprogrammierung.
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Meyer, C., & Behr, B. (1990). Connenctions.
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Schnute, J. T., & Richards, L. J. (1990). A Unified Approach to the Analysis of Fish Growth, Maturity, and Survivorship Data (Vol. 47).
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Shoesmith, E. (1990). A comparison of methods for estimating mean fecundity (Vol. 36).
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Altaba, C. R. (1990). The last known population of the freshwater mussel Margaritifera auricularia (Bivalva, Unionoida): A Conservation Priority (Vol. 52).
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