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Bott, R. (1949). Amerikanische Flußkrebse im Main (Vol. 79).
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McGarvey, R. (1994). An age-structured open-access fishery model (Vol. 51).
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McGarvey, R. (1994). An age-structured open-access fishery model (Vol. 51).
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Marquardt, D. W. (1963). An algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters (Vol. 11).
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Robotham, P. W. J. (1982). An analysis of a specialized feeding mechanism of the spined loach, Cobitis taenia L., and a description of the related structures (Vol. 20).
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Shapiro, S. S., & Wilk, M. B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples) (Vol. 3).
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Raymond, M., & Rousset, F. (1995). An exact test for population Differentiation (Vol. 49).
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Mertz, G., & Myers, R. A. (1996). An extended cohort analysis: incorporating the effect of seasonal catches (Vol. 53).
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Akamine, T. (1989). An interval estimation for extraction using Bayesian statistics.
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Akamine, T. (1989). An interval estimation for the Petersen method using Bayesian statistics.
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