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Autor Akamine, T.
Titel Consideration of the BASIC programs to analyse the polymodal frequency distribution into normal distributions Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1985 Publikation Bull. Japan Sea. Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. Nissuiken Hokoku Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band Ausgabe 35 Seiten 129-150
Schlüsselwörter LÄngenfrequenz, methode, fischerei, basic, listing, statistik, mathematik, normalverteilung, modell, algorithmus
Zusammenfassung BASIC programs to analyse the polymodal frequency distribution into normal distributions were studied and a Maximum-Likelihood program was compared with a Least-Squares program and its variations. The Maximum-Likehood method is the most suitable procedure for the problem. The X super(2) minimum method is more suitable than the Least-Squares method for normal data, but the latter is more suitable than the former for abnormal data which have a few separate parts at the end of a distribution. These methods are easy to apply for a good estimation. Parameters are stable where an obvious minimal value is recognized between neighboring distributions, but the confidence intervals of the parameters are larger than for the parts where it is not recognized.
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer 205 Signatur (up) 2093
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