Arnason, A. N., Papst, M. H., & Hopky, G. E. (1992). Modelling the Increase in Variance of Fish Weight (Vol. 49).
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Fischer, C. (1992). Eine Datenbank für Computerviren.
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Pohl, M. (1992). Durchleuchtet: WMF und BMP.
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Heinzel, G. (1992). Beliebig genau.
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Lauer, T. (1992). Fleisch und Fisch.
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English, K. K., & Bocking, R. C. (1992). A Robust Procedure for Estimating Salmon Escapement based on the Area-Under-the-Curve Method (Vol. 49).
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Soriano, M., Moreau, J., Hoenig, J. M., & Pauly, D. (1992). New functions for the analysis of two-phase growth of juvenile and adult fishes, with application to Nile perch (Vol. 121).
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Ricker, W. E. (1992). Back-Calculation of Fish Lengths Based on Proportionality between Scale and Length Increments (Vol. 49).
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Richards, L. J., & Schnute, J. T. (1992). Statistical Models for Estimating CPUE from Catch and Effort Data (Vol. 49).
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Chen, Y., Jackson, D. A., & Harvey, H. H. (1992). A comparison of von Bertalanffy and polynomial functions in modelling fish growth data (Vol. 49).
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