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Autor Rudolph, R.
Titel Lauflicht am Ende des LAN – UTP Tester Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation c't Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 1995 Ausgabe (up) 11 Seiten 392-396
Schlüsselwörter UTP-Tester, Hardware, Ethernet
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer 618 Signatur 2412
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Autor Gilmour, A. R.; Thompson, R.; Cullis, B. R.
Titel Average Information REML: An Efficient Algorithm for Variance Parameter Estimation in Linear Mixed Models Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Biometrics Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 51 Ausgabe (up) 12 Seiten 1440 - 1450
Schlüsselwörter maximum-likeli, statistik, modell, zeitreihe, mathematik
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer 500 Signatur 2300
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Autor Nagel, L.
Titel Biomanipulation in der Binnenfischerei Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Fischer u. Teichwirt Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 1995 Ausgabe (up) 2 Seiten 44-52
Schlüsselwörter Fisch, Fischerei, Biomanipulation
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer Signatur 1167
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Autor Spiess, H.-J.
Titel Ergebnisse ichthyofaunistischer Untersuchungen im Biosphärenreservat “Mittlere Elbe” Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 32 Ausgabe (up) 2 Seiten 19-28
Schlüsselwörter Fisch, Vorkommen, Biologie, Kartierung
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer Signatur 1597
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Autor Luczynski, M.; Rösch, R.; Vuorinen, J. A.; Brzuzan, P.
Titel Biochemical genetic study of sympatric Lake Constance whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) populations: “Blaufelchen” and “Gangfisch” Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Aquatic Sciences Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 57 Ausgabe (up) 2 Seiten 136-143
Schlüsselwörter Coregonus, Genetik, Bestimmung, Fisch
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer 496 Signatur 2296
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Autor Magnusson, K. G.
Titel An overview of the multispecies VPA -- theory and applications Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Rev. Fish Biol. Fish Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 5 Ausgabe (up) 2 Seiten 195-212
Schlüsselwörter vpa, statistik, modell, vergleich, fischerei
Zusammenfassung Multispecies virtual population analysis is an attempt to take species interactions into account when assessing the status of fish stocks. It was introduced primarily with the aim of lowering the uncertainty in the natural mortality rate as used in single species VPA and to take account of variability between years and ages by calculating inside the model the part of the mortality rate caused by predation. The output of the MSVPA is therefore – in addition to stock sizes and fishing mortality rates as in single species VPA and intraspecific – and possible species replacement are not considered and neither is predation on larvae and prerecruits. The potential relevance of multispecies models lies in long-term forecasts since short-term forecasts from multi- and single species models differ only slightly. In making long-term forecasts, predicting recruitment is of fundamental importance and the value of MSVPA in throwing light on the processes governing recruitment is limited. MSVPA is concerned primarily with calculating postrecruitment mortalities, and although in principle there is nothing to prevent prerecruitment predation mortalities being calculated, such estimates are not likely to be reliable or useful. Predation on the larval stages can be of major importance in determining recruitment but is not addressed in the MSVPA. Thus, it is quite possible that processes which are not dealt with in the MSVPA are much more important in determining the future of the fisheries. In view of all this uncertainty, it is inevitable that it will be questioned whether multispecies management advice is superior to single species advice.
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer 498 Signatur 2298
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Autor Hoenig, J. M.; Morgan, M. J.; Brown, C. A.
Titel Analysing differences between two age determination methods by tests of symmetry Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. J. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 52 Ausgabe (up) 2 Seiten 364-368
Schlüsselwörter Altersbestimmung, Fischerei, Statistik, Methode
Zusammenfassung A common problem in fisheries science is the comparison of two methods for obtaining ages of individual animals. The authors suggest that if the overall level of agreement is low between two ageing methods used on the same sample of fish, then one can use a test of symmetry to look for evidence of systematic disagreement. A chi super(2) test is used to determine if the number of fish assigned age i from method 1 and age j from method 2 differs significantly from the number of fish assigned age j from method 1 and age i from method 2. Such a test can also be used to determine the range of nominal ages over which two methods appear to give comparable results.
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Dep. Fish. and Oceans, P.O. Box 5667, St. John's, NF A1C 5X1, Canada Geprüft
Rufnummer 532 Signatur 2331
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Autor Husband, B. C.; Barrett, S. C. H.
Titel Estimating effective Population Size: A Reply to Nunney Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Evolution Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 49 Ausgabe (up) 2 Seiten 392-394
Schlüsselwörter Population, Biologie, Theorie, Methode
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer 536 Signatur 2335
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Autor Chen, Y.; Jackson, D. A.
Titel Robust estimation of mean and variance in fisheries Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation Trans. Am. Fish. Soc Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band 124 Ausgabe (up) 3 Seiten 401-412
Schlüsselwörter fishery-statistics; population-characteristics; statistical-analysis
Zusammenfassung Many fisheries data are commonly summarized by two statistics: mean and variance (or standard deviation). Because observed values are subject to various errors, which often are large and heterogeneous in fisheries studies, outliers commonly exist in the data. The existence of outliers biases estimation of the mean and variance if traditional estimation methods are used. Instead of assuming that errors in fisheries data follow a normal distribution with a constant variance, we propose that errors associated with observations for a variable may encompass a mixture of different levels of normally distributed errors. Based on concepts from a robust regression method, least median of squares, that is not sensitive to atypical observations in data, we develop a simple algorithm to estimate mean and standard deviation. We compare the proposed robust estimation approach with traditional methods and Tukey's biweight robust approach using simulated and field data. Based on simulations, we found little difference in estimated means and variances between the proposed and traditional methods when there were no outliers defined in simulated data. However, when outliers were defined in simulated data, the errors in estimation of the mean and its standard deviation were much smaller with the proposed method than were those estimated with traditional methods. Means and standard deviations estimated with the proposed method changed little, regardless of whether or not the simulated data were contaminated by atypical values. The proposed approach tended to have smaller estimation errors than did the robust biweight method. We demonstrate how the significance and interpretation of fisheries and ecological relationships may be adversely affected when outliers are present. We suggest using our proposed robust method to identify and down-weight outliers in estimating a mean and its standard deviation. One should justify deletion of the identified outliers using the knowledge about fish biology and environmental conditions independent of the variable assessed.
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Geprüft
Rufnummer Signatur 308
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Autor Hiramatsu, K.; Akamine, T.; Kitada, S.
Titel Effectiveness of partial likelyhood of estimating fish mortality rates from tag recoveries and the stock composition in the mixed population based on genetic data Typ Zeitschrift, Artikel
Jahr 1995 Publikation NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI 1995 vol. 61 Kurztitel der Zeitschrift
Band Ausgabe (up) 3 Seiten
Schlüsselwörter stock-assessment; tagging-; genomes-; fishing-mortality; mixing-ratio; mathematical-analysis
Zusammenfassung Because of the simplicity of calculation and the availability of evaluating the precision of the estimates, a partial likelihood approach has been used for estimating fish mortality rates from tag recoveries and the stock composition in the mixed population based on genetic data. We compare the partial likelihood estimator with the full likelihood estimator, and find that under some conditions, both estimators are the same. The above applications meet the conditions and hence the estimates using the partial likelihood are the same as the ones using the full likelihood. In this case, the partial likelihood approach is quite useful.
Organisation Abschlussarbeit
Herausgeber Erscheinungsort Editor
Sprache Sprache der Zusammenfassung Originaltitel
Editor der Reihe Titel der Reihe Kurztitel der Reihe
Band der Reihe Ausgabe der Reihe Edition
Bereich Expedition Konferenz
Notizen Zu bestellen Geprüft
Rufnummer Signatur 676
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