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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer Band Seiten (down)
Stepien, Carol A.; Tumeo, Mark A. Invasion genetics of Ponto-Caspian gobies in the Great Lakes: a ‘cryptic’ species, absence of founder effects, and comparative risk analysis 2006 Biological Invasions 61-78
Schmidt, Johs. On the Distribution of the Fresh-Water Eels (Anguilla) throughout the World 1909 762 45
Holcik, J. Geographische Verbreitung von Neunaugen (Petromyzontiformes) in der mittleren und unteren Donau (zwischen Österreich und dem Schwarzen Meer) 1995 Fischökologie Blank @ cathi @ 8 23-30
Horppila, Jukka The effect of length frequency ranges on the back-calculated lengths of roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) 2000 Fisheries Research 45 21-29
Bless, R. Threatened fishes of the world: Gobio uranoscopus (Agassiz, 1828) 1997 Environmental Biology of Fishes 20 49