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McGarvey, R. (1994). An age-structured open-access fishery model (Vol. 51).
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Schnute, J. (1987). A General Fishery Model for a Size-Struktured Fish Population (Vol. 44).
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Ricker, W. E. (1992). Back-Calculation of Fish Lengths Based on Proportionality between Scale and Length Increments (Vol. 49).
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Eckmann, R., Gaedke, U., & Wetzlar, H. J. (1988). Effects of Climatic and Density-Dependent Factors on Year-Class Strength of Coregonus lavaretus in Lake Constance (Vol. 45).
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Weisberg, S. (1993). Using Hard-part Increment Data to Estimate Age and Environmental Effects. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 50, 1229?1237.
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Richards, L. J., & Schnute, J. T. (1992). Statistical Models for Estimating CPUE from Catch and Effort Data (Vol. 49).
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Richards, L. J., Schnute, J. T., Kronlund, A. R., & Beamish, R. J. (1801). Statistical Models for the Analysis of Ageing Error (Vol. 49).
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Thompson, K. R., & Page, F. H. (1989). Detecting Synchrony of Recruitment using Short, Autocorrelated Time Series (Vol. 46).
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English, K. K., & Bocking, R. C. (1992). A Robust Procedure for Estimating Salmon Escapement based on the Area-Under-the-Curve Method (Vol. 49).
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