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Gerstmeier, R. (1990). Fischbiologie des Königssees: Nahrungsangebot und Nahrungswahl ; 2. Band: Die quantitative Erfassung benthaler Chironomiden (Diptera) des Königssees ; nahrungsökologische Untersuchungen an Fischen im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden. Berchtesgaden: Nationalparkverwaltung Berchtesgaden.
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Millar, R. B. (1990). A versatile computer program for mixed stock fishery composition estimation. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, St. John's, Nfld. (Canada).
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Schindler, J., & Reichle, G. (1990). Zur Larvalentwicklung des Sterletts (Acipenser ruthenus) (Vol. 1990).
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Reichle, G., Bergler, H., & Schindler, J. (1990). Zur Haltung und Aufzucht des Sterlets (Vol. 1990).
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Geldhauser, F. (1990). Versuche zum Entkleben von Schleieneiern (Vol. 37).
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Schnute, J. T., & Richards, L. J. (1990). A Unified Approach to the Analysis of Fish Growth, Maturity, and Survivorship Data (Vol. 47).
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Small, I. (1990). Exploring data provided by angling for salmonids in the British Isles. Hull: Proceeding.
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Dégerine, S. (1990). Canonical Partial Autocorrelation Function of a Multivariate Time Series (Vol. 18).
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Mittnik, S. (1990). Computation of Theoretical Autocovariance Matrices of Multivariate Autoregressive Moving Average Time Series (Vol. 52).
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Shorrock, G. (1990). Improved Confidence Intervals for a Normal Variance (Vol. 18).
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