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Humpesch, U. H. (1985). Gibt es optimale Wassertemperaturen für die Erbrütung von Salmoniden- und Thymallideneiern? (Vol. 38).
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Gerstmeier, R. (1985). Nahrungsökologische Untersuchungen an Fischen im Nationalpark Berchtesgarden (Vol. 72).
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Sluczanowski, P. (1985). The Beverton and Holt yield per recruit model using Lotus 1-2-3 (Vol. 13).
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Akamine, T. (1985). Consideration of the BASIC programs to analyse the polymodal frequency distribution into normal distributions.
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Akamine, T. (1985). Consideration of the BASIC Programs to Analyse the Polymodal Frequency Distribution into Normal Distribution (Vol. 35).
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Brunken, H., & Fricke, R. (1985). Deutsche Süßwasserfische.
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Bless, R. (1985). Zur Regeneration von Bächen der Agrarlandschaft, eine ichtyologische Fallstudie. Münster: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie.
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Steele, C. W. (1985). Non-Random, Seasonal oscillations in the orientation and locomotor activity of Sea Catfish (Arius felis) in a multiple-Choice Situation (Vol. 168).
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Trevors, J. T., & Lusty, C. W. (1985). A Basic Microcomputer Program For Calculating Ld50 Values (Vol. 24).
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Mittertreiner, A., & Schnute, J. (1985). Simplex: A manual and software package for easy nonlinear parameter estimation and interpretation in fishery research.
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