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Autor Titel Jahr Publikation Rufnummer (up) Band Seiten
Jinn, J. H.; Sedransk, J.; Smith, P. Optimal Two-Phase Stratified Sampling for Estimation of the Age Composition of a Fish Population 1987 Biometrics 192 43 343-353
Carle, F. L.; Strub, M. R. A New Method for Estimating Population Size from Removal Data 1978 Biometrics 197 34 621-630
Stevens, W. L. Asymptotic Regression 1951 Biometrics 246 7 247-267
Helland, I. S. On the Interpretation and Use of R2 in Regression Analysis 1987 Biometrics 438 43 61-69
Gilmour, A. R.; Thompson, R.; Cullis, B. R. Average Information REML: An Efficient Algorithm for Variance Parameter Estimation in Linear Mixed Models 1995 Biometrics 500 51 1440 - 1450
Barrowman, N. J.; Myers, R. A. Estimating Tag-Shedding Rates for Experiments with Multiple Tag Types 1996 Biometrics 616 52 1410-1416