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(1904). Die Störfischerei bei Glückstadt (Vol. 7).
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(1914). Gefährdung der Fischerei in der Unterelbe (Vol. 6).
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(1904). Fangergebnisse der unterelbischen Fischerei (Vol. 7).
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Yamagishi, H., & Ishioka, K. (1989). Simulation study on the growth variation of fish with special reference to the sexual dimorphism in growth.
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Akamine, T. (1988). Evaluation of Error Caused by Histogram on Estimation of Parameters for a Mixture of Normal Distributions.
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Silvert, W. (1996). Size-aggregation in models of aquatic ecosystems (Vol. 183).
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Millar, R. B. (1990). A versatile computer program for mixed stock fishery composition estimation. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, St. John's, Nfld. (Canada).
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Clay, D. (1990). TUNE: A series of fish stock assessment computer programs written in FORTRAN for microcomputers (MS DOS) (Vol. 32).
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Shoesmith, E. (1990). A comparison of methods for estimating mean fecundity (Vol. 36).
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Sparre, P. (1987). A method for the estimation of growth, mortality and gear selection/recruitment parameters from length-frequency samples weighted by catch per effort (D. Pauly, & G. R. Morgan, Eds.) (Vol. 13). MAZZARA-DEL-VALLO,-ITALY.
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